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Luke Schwieterman
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Tom Rickard
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Tom Rickard  02/23/09 10:14:59 AM

I was born and raised in Fowler, Kansas and have been in and around farming all of my life. I have worked in a local grain elevator, in a large grain terminal, as a grain merchandiser for a cooperative, and have been a broker with Schwieterman, Inc. since 1990. I now live in Plains, Kansas and am active in my church and community, and serve on several boards. My wife Janet and I have five children and three grandchildren. I like small town life and have a great interest in the preservation of Small Town, America. Being involved in farming all of my life has given me an understanding of the needs of the farmer and has helped me to help them with their marketing needs in the community business. When dealing with customers, money management is my first and foremost concern, whether they are producers or speculators. When trying to achieve this money management with my customers I use fundamental and technical information.  


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